My Tongue & The Flavors
Look at these faces and try to guess the flavor they are tasting! |
Sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes can actually be sensed by all parts of the tongue, but only the sides of the tongue are more sensitive than the middle overall, with one exception, the back of the tongue is very sensitive to bitter tastes.
Do you know that every side of your tongue is to taste a different flavor?
The sides of the tongue are more sensitive to taste different flavors. |
The tongue is the most soft and movable part in the mouth that is used for tasting and eating food, in human beings is also for speaking.
With our tongue we can taste different flavors and also to feel the food's temperatures as cold, warm and hot.
My Tongue & The Tastes Activity
- Go to elementary1/second ict/2X/our senses and (according to your list number) open your template "Tongue" with paint.
- Open one of the "Flavors" templates in second ict, and assign every different flavor to the side of the tongue it is better tasted.
- Listen carefully and follow the teachers instructions.
The Senses - Extra Activities
Tongue - Human Parts
How Your Tongue Works
How Your Nose Works
How Your Ears Work
How Your Eyes Work
5 Senses
My Five Senses
The Five Senses - Dr. Binocs Show