Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UoI: Care For The Earth - Electronic Waste

Electronic Waste Pollution

What is it?
E-waste are electronic devices that we do not use anymore.
Who creates e-waste?
Regular people that are consumers and makers.
Is it dangerous? Why?
Yes, because e-waste contains toxic materials.
How it affects our environment?
E-waste contributes to Earth pollution.
How can we help to stop growing e-waste?
Solutions RRR

E-waste - Video for kids

Electronic Waste Animation

E-waste: Why we need to act now

E-waste: A Big Issue

What is E-waste? and Why Does It Matter?


Create a power point presentation "Electronic Waste" it must have 4 slides:

Slide 1: Title and personal information.
Slide 2: Organizer 1, "What is E-waste?"
Slide 3: Organizer 2, "How E-waste Affects Our Environment." 
Slide 4: Organizer 3, "Solutions"

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Computer Virus & Antivirus

What is a computer virus?
A computer virus is a tiny little program that gets inside your computer and cause problems.

How does a computer virus work?
A computer virus attaches to a program or a software, and use them to replicate (make copies of the same virus).

What are the common ways to get a virus?
Your computer can get a virus anytime that receives information.

How can I prevent my computer to to get a virus?
Make sure your computer has anti-virus software installed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

All Jobs Are Important - Community Workers

Community Workers

Community workers are people, professionals and technicians that influence the lives of others.
Their works and services make our lives easier.

Community Workers - Class Activity

1. Teacher assigns a community worker.
2. Fill the worker's organizer.

3. Find the IB profile attribute and skills that matches better with your community worker.

Try these websites to find information:

IB Profile Attributes

4. Create a presentation following the teacher's instructions.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ancient Civilizations - Ancient Paracas Textile Art

Ancient Paracas' Textile Art

The ancient Paracas’ textile art is considered one of the finest and sophisticated of the world. Paracas had selected weavers, completely dedicated to work in the textile activity.

Paracas Textile Art - Finest materials, bright colors, beautiful designs
Paracas’ weavers were high skilled workers and very patient to weave their textiles,  their designs were sometimes geometric as squares, diamonds or triangles, and other times about nature like animals or plants. 

Let's see a presentation to know better the Ancient Paracas Textile Art 

Class Activity 1 - Ancient Paracas' Texile Art

Look at the original Paracas' design and find the basic pattern of the design:

Original Paracas' Cloth
Replica made using a computer program

1. Find the pattern and create a similar design using Paint.
2. Follow the instructions on yout worksheet.
3. When finish, work the next cloth.

Class Activity 2 - Working an Informational Resource

1. Get together with your UoI group.
2. Talk to your group members and choose a leader.
3. Share de information about the culture your group is working on: Location, cultural aspects, economic activities, etc...
4. Get a picture related to your topic and save it in the group folder.
5. Post your information: text and picture on your *****

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Internet - Online Safety Rules


What is Internet?
Internet is a computer world wide web, 

that is interconnected to share information globally.

Is it a real place?
No is not, only in computers and devices.

What is it for?
Basically to find and share information.

Is it useful for learning?
Yes, it is very useful for learning.

Is it for kids?

Only a small part of Internet is for kids.

How much information does Internet have?

Internet has a lot of information.

Does it have any rules?
Yes! We must follow RULES.

Online Safety Rules

1. Keep your identity a secret. (Do not share your personal information)
2. Be extra careful with strangers online.
3. Tell somebody. (If you feel uncomfortable)
4. Protect your password. (Never share your password)
5. Be nice. (Show respect to others)

Online Safety Rules - Class Activities

1. Watch the videos and get the information to make the organizer for the online safety rule you have been assigned.
2. Create a presentation following the instructions:
      Slide 1: Tittle and personal information (name, class and date)
      Slide 2: Organizer "What is Internet"
      Slide 3: Organizer "Online Safety Rules"
      Slide 4: Organizer "#Rule"


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Our Senses - My Selfie & My Senses

Recognize all your senses: Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

My Selfie & My Senses - Class Activity

1. Use your classmate and take a selfie showing one of your hands.
2. Open your selfie from "imágenes de cámara" and point all your senses.
3. Copy and paste at least 3 pictures according to each sense.
4. Save your work "# My senses lastname"

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Online Safety - Children's Personal Information

Children must take care of their personal information.
What is Personal Information?
It is anything that identifies you.

As children we do have personal information to take care of.
Let's watch the video about it and make a list of your pieces of personal information.

Make a reflection and discuss with your friends:

Which are your pieces of personal information?
Why you should keep private your personal information?

Children Personal Information Class Activity

  • Open the template on elementary1/second ict/2X/children's personal information, according to your list number.
  • Make a graphic organizer about your personal information, follow the teacher instructions.

*Extra Activities*