Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UoI: Care For The Earth - Electronic Waste

Electronic Waste Pollution

What is it?
E-waste are electronic devices that we do not use anymore.
Who creates e-waste?
Regular people that are consumers and makers.
Is it dangerous? Why?
Yes, because e-waste contains toxic materials.
How it affects our environment?
E-waste contributes to Earth pollution.
How can we help to stop growing e-waste?
Solutions RRR

E-waste - Video for kids

Electronic Waste Animation

E-waste: Why we need to act now

E-waste: A Big Issue

What is E-waste? and Why Does It Matter?


Create a power point presentation "Electronic Waste" it must have 4 slides:

Slide 1: Title and personal information.
Slide 2: Organizer 1, "What is E-waste?"
Slide 3: Organizer 2, "How E-waste Affects Our Environment." 
Slide 4: Organizer 3, "Solutions"

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